Monday, April 25, 2011

Shopping in Chi-town

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend! For me, it was such a special time celebrating the meaning of Easter with my family and friends in fabulous Chicago, where my two sisters live. While in Chi-town, I saw my youngest sister's new apartment in Lincoln Park. The prime location and shabby chic decor make it the ideal apartment for a 23-year-old!

While we were shopping around in Lincoln Park, I stopped at Intermix and must share with you a few pieces that caught my eye. This store is any fashionista's dream and a clear favorite for my sisters and me.

Dress, Halston Heritage

Shirt, Elizabeth and James; Jeans, Mother 

Jeans, J Brand; Jacket, L'agence; 

Elizabeth and James


Sarah Kern said...

woohoo...couple years before i can enjoy intemix...but i will adore from afar!

Unknown said...

so fun that you got to see your Sar's apartment! she's gonna have so much fun in chi-town. and this store looks fab! <3

Just. Love. Fashion. said...

Her apt is just fab! I wish I was living there. :) And the store probably tops as one of my favorites of all-time, along with bluebird in edina.

potpie du monde said...

I love elizabeth and james! Great line- love this great post! thanks for sharing!

Just. Love. Fashion. said...

I know, Elizabeth and James is so amazing. Thank you for visiting! :-)